Friday, April 24, 2009

Mason County Eurasian Collared-Dove

At about 10:45 a.m. I heard what I identified as a Eurasian Collard-Dove at the intersection of Anderson and Victory in Mason County, MI.
I've seen/heard this species on numerous occasions in both Texas and North Carolina. After investigating to get a visual on the bird, I found it in the middle of a nearby tree and photographed it (first photo below). It flew off a minute later, but returned at 11:08, when I was able to photograph it a second time (second photo below). I also heard/saw the bird briefly at 1:18 and 2pm. It was seen all 4 times in the same 2 trees NE of the intersection. The trees SW of the house on the same lot and are the closest deciduous trees to the intersection on the NE corner.
The photos indicate that the black markings or "webs" extend beyond the gray area of the under tail coverts and down the edges of the white feathers of the tail, separating this bird from a hybrid ECDO x Ringed Turtle-Dove.
The first 2 photos below are the original (only cropped slightly) images. Image 3 and 4 are "redone" and sharpened versions of 1 &2. Images 5 and 6 are cropped images of 1 & 2 showing just the under tail area.
Comments are welcome.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

FINALLY @ the Feeder!

Yesterday I FINALLY saw a Pine Siskin at my thistle feeder! I've been waiting all winter long for this with a feeder full of Goldfinches, but no siskins. One lone bird showed up yesterday (first photo) and again today (second photo). Not to mention another feeder first...a male Purple Finch showed up in all his royal spledor today and fed at the same time as the siskin!

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