Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ancient Murrelet

On 11/24/09 an Ancient Murrelet showed up at Tiscornia Park beach in Saint Joseph, MI. It's normal range being coastal Alaska, B.C. and offshore in winter south to California, I thought it would be great to see the bird myself! I first went on 11/20, but rough waters made viewing a small sea bird impossible and I only got a fleeting glimpse (but not identifiable looks) of what I believe was the bird flying low over the water 200 yards from the end of the pier I was standing on.
However, today I made another run for it. Waves were a foot or less and the weather is only supposed to get worse for the remainder of the week. Within an hour the bird showed up to within 30' or so of the pier for GREAT views and a few photos too.

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1 comment:

  1. I read that there are concerns that the introduced predators (rats?) on the islands where the ancient murrelet nests, threaten its survival. I hope this one finds its way home. Marbled murrelets in California and Oregon nest only on fat moss-covered limbs of old-growth trees. They are threatened by logging, wind-power, and egg predation by stellar jays and corvids which enter old-growth when humans feed them there.
