On January 8, 2009 I added White-winged Crossbill to my yard list! One day after searching for the birds at a college campus and cemetary (in response to previous reports), a single male decided to show up in the top of a White Pine tree across the street while I was shoveling snow! Since then, I've had several other sightings of WWCR's in my yard (see below). This year's WWCR invasion has been wonderful and possibly once in a lifetime.
The photos below were taken 1/24/09.
1/8/09 - one heard/seen in top of white pine across the street to the SE. Seen/heard by my son Caleb too.
1/9/09 - flock of about 20 seen/heard as they flew from top of white pines across the street and over my head as I stood in the driveway before heading south. Seen by Bonnie too.
1/12/09 - 3 briefly seen flying into and perching briefly in top of white pines across the street.
1/13/09 - one heard/seen in top of spruce N of our house
1/20/09 - at least one heard in top of white pine across the street.
1/22/09 - Fly-by of small flock SE of house. Heard.
1/24/09 - 4 heard and seen as they flew over the yard, landing in deciduous tree in neighbor's yard to the N before continuing to fly W.
1/24/09 - 3pm - 2 seen feeding in spruce adjacent to white pine across the street. A flock of 12 took off from there and flew N. Photos taken!
2/1/09 - Flock of about 2 dozen circled the pine and spruce across the street before disappearing to the south.
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