Monday, February 9, 2009

Snowy Owl at GR Ford Airport

On 1/27/09 in the late afternoon I went with my son Caleb and my Dad to find a previously reported Snowy Owl at Kent County's Gerald R. Ford Int. Airport. On our second time through my dad spotted it on top of a street light overhanging the road on the NE part of the airport. It flew to the fence and posed long enough to get a few photos. Then it dove in the snow and stuffed it's face in the snow as if it were eating something (see photo below). It may have caught something, but whatever it got, it was gone when the owl flew back to the fence.

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1 comment:

  1. On Sunday we tried without success to locate this bird, around 11AM-noon. At the viewing area off Kraft Ave SE we had 2-3 Rough-legs, a couple Red-taileds, and lots of displaying Horned Larks.
